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Philatelists Welcome!

Journalists, Authors, and Poets on Stamps

Our mission is to share information about journalists, authors, and poets who have been honored on postage stamps worldwide. We do this by researching and publishing member-written articles about them in our newsletter.

Fifty Years of Authors
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Happy Birthday JAPOS!

The study unit Gustav Detjen formed in 1974 celebrates its fiftieth year in 2024. We remain a small but steady group of literature lovers who share their collections of  topical stamps and combine them with interesting articles. Check out our history on the Join page

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Fifty Years -- No Meetings

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        Enjoy research, contribute your own findings and articles, and share in a love of Literature -- all without ever attending a single meeting! That's right. In the fifty years since JAPOS began, there has never been a club meeting.

Fifty Years of Journalists
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Fifty Year Commemorative Event Covers

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        In July, members received this unserviced envelope with their printed JAPOS Bulletin. Members may add their choice of stamps and obtain postmarks at nearby stamp shows or other events with special philatelic significance. Below, see the cancels from the Great American Stamp Show.

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Fifty Years This Stamp

To celebrate his birth centennial, the USPS issued this Robert Frost stamp in 1974. It was the fourth in the American Poets series.

Fifty Years of Poets
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We are a study unit of the American Topical Association, an affiliate (#68) of the American Philatelic Society, and a chapter (#54) of the American First Day Cover Society.

Affiliated With:

The American Topical Association (ATA) helps us by providing checklists of stamps from around the world featuring journalists, authors, or poets.

The American Philatelic Society (est. 1886), the largest stamp collecting organization in the world, has something for every collector.

The American First Day Cover Society (AFDCS) promotes collection of stamps on envelopes (covers) postmarked in the city and on the date of the first day of issue.

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