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The APRL Has Digitized Our Bulletins!

All of our bulletins dating from 1974 to present have been scanned and digitized by the staff at the American Philatelic Research Library. You can go to the Robert A. Mason Digital Library and find them under the "Journals" category and then use the search key "JAPOS." See the images below. The first image shows the search parameters to use and the second image shows results. Click on the JAPOS edition you want and it will appear as a PDF on your screen.

APRL R Mason digital search.jpg
APRL R Mason digital Found.jpg

When you click on the "Show More" button, you should not assume the issue years are in correct chronological order, because they are not. Knowing this will help you look carefully for the year you want. Also, when printing a bulletin, you may want to experiment with the size. The editor often gets better results with a 125% setting.


What About an Index?

APRL staff are still working on this project and hope to soon have some easy-to-use steps for finding particular articles, whether it is JAPOS material or other publications. In the meantime, you can use the spreadsheet index currently maintained by Joyce Poole. Another index is under construction by the JAPOS Bulletin editor, using Microsoft Access.

Website created with by webmaster Cynthia Scott in September 2022. Send questions to her email account listed on our Contact Us page. Last update: February 2, 2025.

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